- Understanding Facilitation
- Facilitation Principles and Techniques
- Applying Facilitation Skills
- Explore the role of the workplace Coach
- Apply the coaching model to enhance workplace coaching techniques
- Apply the on-job training model to enhance on job training techniques
- National Qualifications Framework
- Outcomes-bases Assessment
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Explore the role of the workplace Coach
- Apply the coaching model to enhance workplace coaching techniques
- Apply the on-job training model to enhance on job training techniques
- Outcomes-based Education and Training
- National Qualifications Framework
- Assessment
- The Assessment Process
- Assessor Competence
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Outcomes-based Education and Training
- National Qualifications Framework
- Understanding Moderation
- Planning Moderation
- Conduct the Moderation
- Advising and Supporting Assessors
- Report, Record, Review and Administer Moderation
- The National Skills Development Strategy
- Skills Development Legislation
- The NQF and the Role of the SDF
- Learnerships, Qualifications and Assessment
- Analysing Needs and Planning Skills Development
- Co-ordinate and evaluate Skills Development Interventions
Our training facility is accredited as a training provider with
Safety and Security Seta (Accreditation Nr: PAA01519)
Wholesale and Retail Seta (Accreditation Nr: 269)
TETA (Accreditation Nr: TETA23-1567)
PSIRA (Training Centre Accreditation Nr: T2051)